This is an unofficial web-site run by the players of Logica Football Club for their own entertainment. The views expressed here are those of the individual players or contributors, and not those of the company Logica plc.

All content, photos, artwork and source code, where not specifically attributed to somebody else, has been produced by The Editor's own fair hand. In the unlikely event that somebody would want to reproduce, copy or otherwise snaffle anything appearing on this web-site, all the Editor would ask for in return is an appropriate credit or, better still, a link back to this site.

Quite a lot of effort is spent verifying that this site hangs together in different browsers, namely Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0, Netscape Navigator 7.1, and Opera 7.0. Despite this we would recommend you view this site in one of the above Internet Explorer browsers to fully appreciate some of the finer points of the site's subtle style and artistic merit.