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Date of Birth: 19th January 1957.
Religion: Manchester United.
Height: 6' 1".
Weight: 13st.


Preferred Playing Position: Left Midfield.
Playing Strengths: First touch, fitness, charm, wit and sagacity.
Playing Weaknesses: Second touch, fitness and motonous ability to be awarded the Cardboard Box.


Date Joined Logica: 1st April 1987.
Logica FC Debut: June 1987: In that rediculous summer league on midweek evenings in Hackney.
Previous Teams: Corinthians, Accrington Stanley, Locking Villa, Owens Park, Plessey.
Greatest Footballing Moment: Trial for Swindon Town.
Worst Footballing Moment: Trial for Swindon Town.


Model Pro (Models His Game on You): Bobby Charlton, who, like me, was never shown a yellow (or red) card during his long career.
Favourite All-Time Player: Bobby again, for his elegance and lethal finishing.
Pre-Match Superstition: Number 11 shirt. Must remember the right order ... pads, socks, then boots.
Interesting Trivia: I scored my first competitive hat-trick in 1967, before any of the Pups (and some of the Lags) were born. I scored my most recent hat-trick against ... the Pups.


Supporting Material: Transfer to J-League